Sold 4 Credit Spreads on WISH – 3.02% potential income return in 23 days
On October 20, 2021, I sold 4 bull put credit spreads on WISH stock with an expiry set in the next 23 days. For this trade, I got a premium of $60.4 (after commissions)
Wish is an American online e-commerce platform that facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers. Wish was founded in 2010 by Piotr Szulczewski and Danny Zhang. Wish is operated by ContextLogic Inc. in San Francisco, United States.
This is not trading advice. Investments in stocks, funds, bonds, or cryptos are risk investments and you could lose some or all of your money. Do your due diligence before investing in any kind of asset.
These trades come as the #21 and $22 in the month of October, according to my trading plan for this month, the premium generated from this trade makes me about 10.06% of my $600 monthly goal. While in total I have reached already 63.06% so far. Awesome!
Here is the trade setup:
SLD 4 WISH NOV 12 '21 5 Put Option 0.32 USD
BOT 4 WISH NOV 12 '21 4 Put Option 0.12 USD
For this trade, I got a premium of 60.4 USD (after commissions) or a 3.02% potential income return in 23 days, if options expire worthlessly
What happens next?
On the expiry date, November 12, 2021, WISH is trading above $5 per share - options expire worthlessly and I keep premium - if WISH trades under $5 on the expiry date, I will get assigned 400 shares and will have to buy them for $2,000
But as I already have collected a premium of $0.15 per share, my break-even price for this trade then is $5-$0.15 = $4.85
In case of assignment, I will turn this trade into a wheel strategy and will start selling covered calls.