November 2021 Options Trading Income Report $323.4
The last November, we did a total of 66 trades / from which most were covered calls and credit spreads. Also, we rolled forward a few trades from the previous months.
In total, we managed to take $323.4 from options income during the month of November, which is well below what we excepted ($750)
Market volatility and a few bad trades are to blame, as the last month, we did a few debit trades, we got troubled with Pfizer stock, as the stock surged we decided to enjoy the ride and rolled up a few call options, which was somehow a little bit costly, but we hope it will pay us back in future months.
Dividend income
Our dividend income portfolio’s value now is $25,422 (+$11,972), and it generates about $72.35 (+$26.14) in monthly dividend income. The current annual yield is about 3.41%
Here are all of our holdings (as of December 1, 2021)
We made a few larger investments using margin - bought 100 shares with PFE to sell covered calls, and aggressively were increasing our position with WBA. Additionally started to acquire AAPL and BAC stocks. With AAPL and BAC, we hope to make nice gains in a year or something,
Trading plan for December 2021 (Option trades & Stock Buys)
This month we are going to reinvest our options income in the 5 following stocks - PFE, INTC, ARCC, and WBA. We will buy these stocks until at least 100 are reached to sell covered calls. Additionally, we will buy AAPL, BAC
To finance some purchases we are using portfolio margin,
From covered calls/credit spreads - we are looking to take ~ $500 during the month of December.
At the end of November, we had
99 email subscribers (+8) for Covered Calls with Reinis Fischer newsletter
7 paying subscribers (+4) (for as low as $7/mo subscribers get access to extra content 1-2 per week)
56 subscribers (+7) for the YouTube channel.